Wednesday 27 April 2016

Ekpang Nkukwo (Cocoyam and wateryam porridge)

ekpang Nkukwo is a native Nigerian Dish which originates from the south south of Nigeria e.g Akwa ibom and cross rivers state in Nigeria. Its been made with grated cocoyam and water yam, rolled in green leaves (efo leaves), ugu (pumpkin leaves or coco yam leaves, also mixed with assorted meat or fish, such as dried/smoked  fish, periwinkle, beef or chicken  etc, and also palm oil as base.

How To make Ekpang Nkukwo:
* prep Time : 20 mins.
*cook Time: over 1 hour.


1. 1/3 Tuber of water yam
2. Abunch of green leaves(efo leaves) or cocoyam leaves
3.  3 tubers of coco yam
4. 2 cups of palm oil
5. A milk cup of shelled periwinkle
6. Dried fish/smoked fish
7. 500g chicken/ beef
8.  200g ponmo (cut into bits ) optional
9. 1 cup crayfish (grounded)
10. Habanero pepper (red pepper or yellow pepper optional)
11. Seasoning cubes
12. A handful of scented leaves (Nchawu chopped-optional)

For this recipe, i used Shelled periwinkles "Isam/mfi". To prepare,
Step 1: Wash the periwinkles severally to remove the dirt and sand. After washing, Chop off the sharp end of the periwinkles with a knife. This is to make sucking out the periwinkles easier - Set aside.
Step2: wash your chicken and ponmo and place them in a pot add Maggi, onions and salt, and allow to boil for 15 minutes. and also set aside.

Step 3: Blend your pepper, onions and cray fish and also place them aside.
Step 4: Wash the green leaves and Nchawu thoroughly because it always contains sand and place aside.
Step 5: grate the cocoyam and water yam together and mix them and add a cube of maggi.


* put some palm oil in the pot, and rub it all over inside the pot just to avoid the leaves sticking to the pot.

* Place the washed periwinkle down the pot.
* Wrap the mixed coco yam and water in your green leaves and also place it in the pot.

* Boil some water aside and put it in after you are done wrapping the cocoyam and water yam mix.

* add the blended pepper, onions and cray fish and also the chicken and ponmo stock.

* Add the chopped scented leaves and then add some more oil and salt to taste, then close the pot and allow to cook in medium heat for 20 mins or more.
* After the Ekpang Nkukwo would have cooked for 20 minutes use the wooden turning stick to mix it don't use a spoon it won't be able to do the mixing properly. Open the pot after 10 minutes and our Ekpang Nkukwo is all set and ready for


  1. This food though! It sounds so difficult to prepare till this post. Keep it up!

  2. @ ifeanyi i know rite

  3. @phlex thanks
